Final Posting for Whitehouse on Wheels

Final Posting for Whitehouse on Wheels

After 6+ years on the road we are winding down and getting ready to sell the RV. It has been a marvelous adventure and we have loved every minute of it! We have camped in every state, except Hawaii, and in all 10 provinces in Canada plus one of the three territories. We have also visited 53 of the 63 US National Parks. The remaining 10 are remote and not accessible by land but I would love to visit them too some day. The most remote ones we have left to visit are America Samoa in the South Pacific (a 6 hour plane ride from Hawaii) and Gates of the Arctic and Kobuk Valley National Parks in Alaska’s northern wilderness both with no infrastructure or roads but you can get there by float plane 🙂

Everyone always asks us what is our favorite spot. It’s so hard to say but we both love Alaska and we drove the RV there twice, once in 2018 and again in 2022. Richard loves Michigan’s Upper Peninsula but I think I prefer the beauty of Arizona and Utah. I think I took my best pictures in Antelope Canyon in Arizona.

My favorite National Parks are Wrangell-St. Elias in Alaska, Yellowstone, Bryce Canyon and Yosemite but they are all spectacular in their own unique ways. I recommend you get a National Geographic Guide to National Parks and try to see all of them! The attached map started off all brown and as we camped in each state we scraped off the waxy coat to reveal the colorful state underneath. Hawaii is the only state that is still brown 🙁 The green pins represent the 53 National Parks we visited. It’s interesting to see how they are clustered.

While we’re not exactly sure what the next stage of life will bring we are aiming for lots of time with our kids and grandchildren in Columbia, TN and Hermon, ME, and family & friends in Florida and continuing friendships with the many great fellow campers that we met during our travels. We hope to make our next home the Whitehouse on the Water on a lake in central Florida. We shall see…

It’s been a wonderful, exciting, eventful journey and I give my thanks to all of you who have followed along and kept us company. Hope we can meet up soon!

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