Shenandoah National Park, Virginia

Shenandoah National Park, Virginia

We left on a beautiful, crisp morning to explore Shenandoah National Park along the Skyline Drive that runs 105 miles from north to south with 75 overlooks. The maximum speed is 35 mph so it is a nice, leisurely drive. We started at the northern entrance near Front Royal, Virginia. After getting our Park map we proceeded to head south. The Drive was beautiful but the Fall foliage was not quite as brilliant as we had expected, which was similar to our experience in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. I guess the conditions we not optimal this year for the truly vibrant Fall colors.

We stopped at many of the overlooks to take in the Shenandoah Valley below and stretch our legs. There were many hiking trails throughout the Park but those of you who know Richard know that he is not a hiker so we just took in the views from the overlooks.

After about 40 miles we stopped at Skyland to check out the restaurant and resort. Here are some pictures.

They had some stables at Skyland to I walked over to check out the horses. Most were out on a trail ride but there were a few in their stalls, including a cute pony.

We drove a bit further to Swift Run Gap at about 65 miles and then bailed out to head home (and a corned beef waiting in the Instapot!). It is a beautiful park and with over 500 trails, great for hiking!

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